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Take a peek at some of our digital tools that are in development.


OT HomeFX is the first Canadian-made Digital Home Assessment Tool currently in development. It is an evidenced-based, progressive web application designed for Occupational Therapists to increase efficiencies and reliability of home-based OT assessments. The off-line capabilities allows the assessor to use the tool where wifi connectivity is not reliable. The auto-generated report offers a full database of recommendations for the clinician to choose from and saves hours of reporting and product research time!

Incluzia has partnered with University of Manitoba's Occupational Therapy Research Department to conduct a research study on "Occupational Therapy Home Assessments Methods and Priorities".


Check back soon for a link to the survey so you can help inform the development of this important clinical and educational tool!

OT HomeFX Demo Video


Access Match

A web application that will help people find housing to rent or purchase with the accessibility features they need. We are currently working with other Canadian stakeholders to create a tool for property owners and managers to market thier accessible properties directly to older adults and people with disabilities.

Young boy with hearing aid learning sign language with female teacher

Disability Impact Tool

A customizable, evidence-based tool that measures disability impact and includes both functional and medical evaluation components to help determine eligibility for disability-related programs, benefits and service offerings.

Are you interested in creating an accessible and inclusive Canada with us?

We would love to hear from you!

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