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Home Modifications Training and Coaching for Occupational Therapists in Canada

Home Modifications

 1/2 Day Workshop:

Building the Healthcare Construction Connection

This 3.5 hour, in-person workshop training is designed for occupational therapists who are interested in advancing their knowledge in housing construction for home modifications, OT home assessment skills, and making recommendations that optimize client outcomes.


Participants will come away with new knowledge, skills and tools to leverage their expertise and in the growing practice area of home modifications for older adults and people with disabilities.



Marnie Courage, O.T. Reg (MB)

Accessibility & Inclusion Strategist

Instructor Bio


Construction Specialists:

Shift Accessibility Contractors

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Supported by:

Wheelchair Access

Workshop Learning Objectives

  • Apply the 6 new Canadian OT Competencies to the practice area of Home Modifications.

  • Learn how to optimize client outcomes with a collaborative team approach.

  • Learn what construction and equipment specialists need to know from you to build a scope of work, drawings, and pricing documents. 

  • Participate in real home modification case studies learning from both construction and OT perspectives.

  • Bring your burning home mods questions to participate in Q&A session with Construction Specialist and OT Home Mods Instructor.​

Discounted Workshop Registration 

Workshop Agenda

  • Registration - 8:00 am 

  • ​Buffet Breakfast - 8:30 am

  • Workshop Starts - 8:30 am

  • Health Break :10:00 -10:15

  • Workshop Ends 12:00 pm

  • Event close 12:30 pm


Workshop Location:
Assiniboine Park Pavilion (Atrium)

55 Pavilion Crescent

Workshop Registration

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